Monday, October 5, 2009

Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing on Professional Sports Teams

Playing on professional sports team is an honor and many people wish they could have an opportunity to play in the big leagues. With playing in professional sports leagues comes with its own sets of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Professional Sports:
  • Money
  • Encourages the athlete to perform to their highest level
  • Provides a form of entertainment
  • Being famous and having their name be out there (e.g. Alex Ovechkin, Syndey Crosby)
  • Winning Games and being able to flaunt the teams name.

Disadvantages of Professional Sports:

  • Injury may cause loss of job or lower income
  • Losing Games may cause loss of fans
  • Not many sports are very interesting to watch.
  • Not all professional sports are aired on television, which makes it harder for fans to watch "their" teams play.
  • As a professional athlete their personal lives may no longer be so "personal".